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“Heart To Heart” Art Exhibition for Charity held at the HK Cultural Centre, 12-15 March 2021

Despite the Covid situation,  close to 480 people have visited our Exhibition and more than 50% of our artwork were sold.  We are truly grateful for all the support we received.  Working with the 333 Learning Companion Leadership Program, we would be able to provide support towards the academic assistance and whole-person development of 900 children of underprivileged families.  We were also able to provide a token donation to the Chinese University of Hong Kong to support the Deaf Education project.

Past Activities
2021 Mar
Serendipity Chairman, Alice Ngan's first zoom interview to invite you to our upcoming art exhibition “Heart To Heart”, at the HK Cultural Centre next week, 12-15 March 2021. Thanks to the very professional host, Phil Whelan at Morning Brew of RTHK3
2021 Jan
Serendipity's advisor, Dr. CHUI Pui Chee continued sending best wishes to the community. He went to Lamma Island and shared the joy of writing CNY red banners with the local. You can see more of Dr. Chui's work in our upcoming charity exhibition "Heart to Heart" in March.
2021 Jan
Mr. Owen Wong, an advisor of Serendipity, sends his best wishes for the Chinese new year.  He wrote over 3000 “福” characters on a 300-meter red banner and it was displayed in Lei Yue Mun.  His marvelous performance art is attached below.  Mr. Wong’s work will also be included in our upcoming charity exhibition, "Heart to Heart", to be held at the HKCC Exhibition Gallery in March.
2021 Jan 

1200+ 福 were written by the 25 participants. All these happiness and blessing will be passed forward to senior citizens, bringing them a Happy Chinese New Year

2020 Jun
Serendipity’s Contemporary Ink Art workshop at Mr. Owen Wong’s studio
by Mr. Owen Wong
2019 Aug
Launch of Serendipity cards
2019 Jun
Serendipity sponsored a painting workshop for hearing impaired students at Notre Dame College

by Ms. Pau Mo Ching

2019 May

Serendipity sponsored a painting workshop for senior citizens at the Headquarter of Senior Citizen Home Safety Association
by Mr. Wong Kam Luen
2019 Mar
Visit Macao Museum of Art
2019 Jan
The “Straight from the Heart” Charity Exhibition: Hong Kong Cultural Centre
2018 Oct
Painting workshop at SIDACE of Siu Lam Hospital.
by Ms. Alice Ngan
2018 Mar
Serendipity sponsored a painting workshop for senior citizens at the Headquarter of Senior Citizen Home Safety Association
by Ms. Pau Mo Ching.
2018 Mar
Chinese New Year gathering and preparation for the charity exhibition "Straight from the Heart".
2018 Jan
Serendipity Booth of Chinese calligraphy, Jockey Club Neo Education Lab’s activity
2017 Nov
Serendipity sponsored a painting workshop for sick children at McDonald House
by Ms. Emily Law
2017 Sep
Launch of Serendipity Journal.
2017 Aug
Painting mounting workshop
by Mr. Tam Tin Chuek
2017 Jul
Serendipity sponsored a painting workshop for senior citizens at the Headquarter of Senior Citizen Home Safety Association.
2017 Jun
Visit exhibition of ‘Inventing Le Louvre – from Palace to Museum over 800 Years’, Hong Kong Heritage Museum.
Guided by Mr. Wong Kam Luen
2017 Apr
Nature sketching at Green Hub, Tai Po
2017 Apr
Serendipity sponsored a painting workshop for senior citizens at the Headquarter of Senior Citizen Home Safety Association
2017 Feb
Nature Sketching at Ling Yung Tze, Lantau Island  
2017 Feb
Chinese New Year Lunch   
2016 Dec
Donation Ceremony to Senior Citizen Home Safety Association
2016 Oct
The “Heart’s Delights” Charity Exhibition:
Hong Kong Cultural Centre
2016 May
Tai Chung sketching trip
2015 May
Jeju sketching trip
2015 Jan
Exhibition:  Journey Delights Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre
2014 Nov
Exhibition: Journey Delights

Hui Gallery,   The Chinese University of Hong Kong

2013 Nov

Guilin sketching trip

2012 Feb

Exhibition: Once Delighted

Hui Gallery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

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