Serendipity is a Hong Kong Government approved charitable institution (File No. 91/14630). It is formed to further the following Vision and Mission.
To contribute to society through art.
Advance education in art and culture,
enrich artistic culture in Hong Kong,
promote artistic talents in individuals,
raise funds for the betterment of our community.
Serendipity means a "fortunate happenstance" or "pleasant surprise". Indeed, while there is a vast difference in background and experience among members of Serendipity, we were fortunately brought together by our passion for art and have discovered much pleasure beyond art.
We felt that we should share this fortunate happenstance and pleasure with the community. The formation of "Serendipity” provides the right platform to further our Mission. Through our activities since establishment, Serendipity has been working towards fulfilling our Vision. We hope to be able to continue and expand our scope of work.
Management Committee of Serendipity:
Chairman: Alice Ngan
Secretary: Emily Law
Treasurer: Jodie Li