"All in the Family" features a fierce looking hen lecturing the chicks. One chick listens attentively while the other obviously has something else on its mind. The rooster turns its head and looks the other way. Quincy and Felix took their spots. Andrew, speaking out, wrote, "No Eye See" and put down his seal, "Patience". I was laughing so hard, I have inadvertently put my seal upside down. The two brothers decided it should be kept in the family and quickly acquired it before its public appearance at "Heart's Delights" Charity Exhibition.
畫由心生?顏文慧畫了四隻雞,母雞神情嚴肅,樹坤看後對號入座地說,"聽話的肯定是我。" 葉于熒題字"吾不欲觀之矣" ,并蓋章"百忍居" 以表心跡。樹安當然自得其樂。
All in the Family -
Painted by Alice Ngan
Inscripted by Andrew Yip
吾不欲觀之矣 - 顏文慧畫 . 葉于熒題字