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Birthday Greetings -  Susanna Lee’s

Many practitioners of Chinese art would dye paper to achieve different effects for their work. Mr. Allen Yeung, a calligraphy enthusiast shares his formula for dying paper.


噴染︰全紙正反平均各噴一遍 (150ml)

日本宇治之露 - 宇治綠茶葉
冷泡12小時(4℃ / 20g : 1L)

日本宇治之露 – 麥茶粒
冷泡12小時(4℃ / 10g : 1L)

台灣天仁 – 凍頂烏龍荼葉
冷泡 9 小時(4℃ / 20g : 1L)


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