“Heart to Heart” March 12 – 15, 2021, Hong Kong Cultural Center
“Heart to Heart” is Serendipity’s third charity exhibition organized to Contribute to Society through Art. This time, the fund-raising effort is dedicated to the academic and personal development of children of low-income families. Serendipity has in the past supported senior citizens, deaf students, sick children and promoted an artistic culture in Hong Kong.
Why “Heart to Heart”? Artist needs to have a good understanding of the paper, the material, the ink and the colour to create work that resonates with the audience. This exhibition is a communication between artists and audience, a meeting of traditional to contemporary ink art. Communication is an important aspect of art and life. Serendipity hopes the art donated for sale will find its way into your heart as every purchase will help to Contribute to Society through Art.
2021年3月12-15日香港文化中心 「對話」
藝術家在創作時需要對材料: 紙、筆、墨、顏料等等有好的認識和運用才能創造出觸動觀眾的作品,產生交流。這展覽是當代與傳統藝術的對話;藝術家與觀眾的對話。願對話成為各人生活中一個重要的環節。「隨意雅聚」希望你欣賞義賣作品之餘也慷慨解囊,與我們一起以藝術回饋社會。

Alice NGAN, Once Upon A Time - It's Magic, Ink & Color on Paper, 68 x 39 cm

Andrew YIP, Zhu Tingyu - Yuanqu, Scroll, 35 x 70 cm

WONG Kam Luen, Golden Autumn, 壓鏡 水墨紙本設色, 34.5 x 46 cm

Alice NGAN, Once Upon A Time - It's Magic, Ink & Color on Paper, 68 x 39 cm
Total / 共: (200)